Monday, 1 November 2010

Crossroads II

During these eight weeks at Chelsea, I have enjoyed all the courses and developed a lot of skills and techniques. Before coming to Chelsea I thought that I would definitely go into a 3D type course, but when it came down to it I did not enjoy 3D Spatial as much as the other rotations. The course which I feel was most successful was probably Visual Communications, I enjoyed all parts of this rotation especially when we had to come up with a message that we had to send, I thought that this rotation really got me thinking creatively, but I also enjoyed fine art a lot so I am a little unsure of which course to specialize in.
My work compared to A-level has changed a lot I have become a lot more free when it comes to drawing for example I would always use a ruler to draw and I would always do technical type drawings, but at Chelsea I have been using continuous line drawing a lot. I have also used a lot more different techniques at Chelsea. At A-level I would always spend quite a lot of time getting started on a piece of work and I would often get stuck, but now my approach has changed and if I don’t really get stuck in between pieces of work I will just try out different methods to make something else.
The other day I realized how much work I had done compared to a-level and in 8 weeks at Chelsea I have probably done more work than I would have done in half a year at school.
I have learnt about many interesting artists and designers at Chelsea for instance I found the Dominic Wilcox lecture very interesting and inspiring, especially because he went down a Visual Communication route but still did 3D work. Also the Muybridge exhibition at the Tate was quite interesting.
I did not think I would enjoy Fashion and Textiles and Fine Art, but I felt these rotations were very interesting I did a lot of good drawing and in Fashion & textiles we were told to use a continuous line drawing technique which I had never really used before, but I found it a very good way of drawing and it is a technique which I will definitely use a lot throughout the rest of the foundation course.
Whilst doing art at A-level I was very much into 3D type stuff such as architecture and product design, but now I feel that I am bored of this kind of work and this is probably why I didn’t enjoy 3D Spatial as much as I thought I would and this is probably why I want to try out something new such as Vis Com. I have always been interested in making things and hopefully I can still do this in the area which I choose.
I felt that whilst doing fine art I was still doing the sort of work which I was doing in Vis Com, which makes me think that this is probably the course for me.